Zero Emission Transit Fund
“Infrastructure Canada”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Innovation continues to foster new and creative solutions in public transportation that support a cleaner environment, while increasing the mobility of Canadians. Helping communities invest in zero emission transit and school transportation options ensures cleaner air, creates jobs, and supports Canadian manufacturing.
The transportation sector accounts for 25% of Canada's greenhouse gas emissions. Canada generates approximately 82% of its electricity from zero emission power sources. Shifting vehicles away from fossil fuel engines, towards zero emission alternatives, presents an opportunity for significant greenhouse gas emission reductions.
While many municipalities are pursuing fleet electrification, the transition can be challenging due to the complexities of converting entire transit systems to a new technology, which involves significant upfront costs associated to Zero Emission Buses and related ancillary infrastructure.
To bridge this gap, the $2.75 billion Zero Emission Transit Fund offers support to public transit and school bus operators across Canada who are electrifying their fleets. The Zero Emission Transit Fund also delivers on the federal government's commitment to help purchase 5,000 zero emission buses over the next five years. This investment is being made in coordination with the Canada Infrastructure Bank's commitment to invest $1.5 billion in zero emission buses as part of its three-year Growth Plan.
The objective of the $2.75 billion Zero Emission Transit Fund (ZETF) is to advance the Government of Canada's commitment to help procure 5,000 zero emission public transit and school buses, in close partnership with the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB). This funding will help communities to electrify their school and transit bus fleets, while reducing emissions and operational costs over the long-term.
The ZETF targets investments across Canada that support clean transportation by investing in the vehicles, infrastructure and organizational readiness that make fleet electrification possible. The transportation sector accounts for 25% of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), and with Canada generating approximately 82% of its electricity from zero emission power sources, shifting vehicles away from fossil fuel powertrains towards zero emission powertrains presents an opportunity for GHG emissions reductions.
These investments are closely coordinated with the CIB’s commitment to invest $1.5 billion in Zero Emission Buses (ZEB) as part of its three-year Growth Plan.