Yves Landry Foundation | Achieving Innovation and Manufacturing Excellence Green Initiative (AIME Green)

“FedDev Ontario”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Through the AIME Green initiative, southern Ontario SMEs in the manufacturing sector can receive up to $100,000 to upskill and train their workforce to adopt green manufacturing solutions. Eligible SMEs will have access to tailored training programs that support the adoption of new technology, green processes or procedures or highly skilled personnel in areas that lead to green innovation or productivity improvements.

YLF is calling all small and medium sized manufacturers to go GREEN. It is important to remember that sustainable manufacturing isn’t about arriving at a final destination, but about continuous learning, innovation and constantly striving for improvement. The Yves Landry Foundation is very pleased to launch our newest AIME (Achieving Innovation and Manufacturing Excellence) program called AIME Green. This new program has been created to support Canada going green. This program is offering manufacturers in south, central and eastern Ontario up to $100,000 to offset the costs of training expenses related to upskilling and retraining their workforce to adopt and adapt green manufacturing principles at the shop floor level.

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