Youth Suicide Prevention Grant Program
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Government of Alberta is committed to preventing youth suicide and improving the health and well-being of young people. Building Strength, Inspiring Hope: A Provincial Action Plan for Youth Suicide Prevention 2019 to 2024 (the Plan) is a provincial plan to reduce the rate of youth suicide and suicide attempts in Alberta.
The range of funding per grant agreement is from $40,000 to $150,000 per fiscal year. Grant funds must be used only for the purposes approved by the ministry.
The Youth Suicide Prevention (YSP) Grant Program invites applications for programs, services, or projects that support implementation of the Plan through targeted grant funding for evidence-informed initiatives that align with one or more of the Plan’s outcome areas, target priority youth populations at increased risk of suicide, and either:
- expand the capacity of existing initiatives to address identified suicide prevention gaps and community needs, or
- support the development and piloting of new, innovative initiatives to address identified suicide prevention gaps and community needs.
The Plan points to Alberta’s high provincial rate of youth suicide and notes that some sub-populations are at increased risk of suicide. Priority youth populations at increased risk include:
- Indigenous youth
- sexual and gender diverse youth
- youth experiencing homelessness
- youth in government care or transitioning out of care
- youth with mental health and addiction challenges
- recent immigrant and refugee youth
The 3 outcome areas targeted by the YSP Grant Program are supports and services, training, and education and awareness. More information about these outcome areas and examples of eligible activities can be found in section 2.2 of the Youth Suicide Prevention Plan Grant Guidelines (guidelines) (PDF, 91.3 KB).
For the purposes of this grant grogram, ‘youth’ includes all individuals under the age of 25.
The geographic scope of the YSP Grant Program is provincewide, including urban and rural areas, as well as Metis Settlements and Indigenous organizations.
Applicants are invited to submit an application in accordance with the specifications, terms and conditions outlined in the guidelines. Applicants are advised to pay careful attention to the wording used throughout this call for applications.