Yaletown Partners - Accelerate Fund III
“Yaletown Venture Partners”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Fund Type
We invest in tech startups that are private, incorporated, and have a head office and more than 50% of employees located in Alberta. Typically, we focus on information and communications technology, energy technology, life sciences, agriculture and biotech.
The Accelerate Fund seeks to bring multiple angel investors into deals and encourages collaboration among angels. We typically invest $ 250,000 into our first financing round with a new company. We require matching dollars from angel investors, which often results in a multiply effect of two to three times the amount of our investment. An ideal situation might involve a company that has three Angels investing $ 250,000 each, but has a need for an additional $ 250,000. The Accelerate Fund III could provide the additional $ 250,000 thus seeing leverage of four times its investment. We work with formal angel groups, super-angels, family funds, and individual angel investors.