Workforce Development and Recognition Skills Fund | Financial aid programs

“Québec. Commission des partenaires du marché du travail”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The subsidy programs of the Workforce Development and Recognition Skills Fund (the Fund) are structured to favor a problem-solving support approach focused on achieving the results sought by promoters projects.

The Fund's programs are aligned with the objectives of the Skills Act by: the analysis of the orientations, priorities and criteria of the Fund as well as the activities arising therefrom in order to ensure that the Allocation Plan is consistent with the objectives of the Act; the revision of the Fund's programs with a view to orienting the annual programming towards the achievement of results responding to problems identified in connection with the objectives of the Act; the desire to increase the number of structuring training activities offered in the workplace, such as: a higher number of job training, including activities in basic training, literacy and francization; e-learning projects supporting tailor-made training in SMEs; training supporting the transfer of intergenerational skills in the workplace.

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