Water and Land. Land and Biodiversity Program
“Alberta. Alberta Innovates”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Land and Biodiversity program works with partners in government, academia, industry and others in the private sector (e.g. small to medium business enterprises) to find innovative solutions that will help minimize or resolve impacts to land and biodiversity from land-use activities. These impacts include loss of biodiversity and increased risk to species of concern (e.g. woodland caribou, grizzly), reduction or loss of ecosystem functioning and services (e.g. carbon sequestration, flood management, provision of traditional foods etc.), and land contamination.
- The goal of the Land and Biodiversity program is to ensure natural resource development operations and practices are environmentally sustainable. The program is positioned to support achievement of objectives that Alberta Innovates has articulated for the year 2030, specifically: the rate of land reclamation is equal to or better than the rate of land disturbance; biodiversity in the province is maintained or enhanced. Although provincial in scope, the program largely focuses on the oil sands region where land conversion pressures are high.