Veterinary Incentive Program



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The purpose of the Program is to provide grants for Newly Licensed Veterinarians who practice on Food Animals in Underserviced Areas of Ontario. The $5 million Program will run for nine years, from 2023-24 to 2031-32, and provide eligible veterinarians with up to $50,000 in grant Payments, paid over a five-year period in accordance with the Payment schedule outlined at Section 5. These Payments are meant to incentivize veterinarians to provide service to Food Animal producers in areas of Ontario with recognized veterinary access issues.

Ontario is launching the Veterinary Incentive Program (the Program) to encourage Newly Licensed Veterinarians to practice in Underserviced Areas including northern communities in Ontario by providing annual grants that can total up to $50,000 per person.

These Guidelines are effective as of October 26, 2023. These Guidelines are subject to change from time to time. Please consult the Agricultural Adaptation Council’s (AAC) website or contact the AAC at or 1 (800) 769-3272 to find out more about the Program and ensure you are using the most up-to-date version of these Guidelines. For interpretation of these Guidelines please see Section 11.

The Veterinary Incentive Program is funded by the Government of Ontario to provide grants for Newly Licensed Veterinarians who practice on Food Animals in Underserviced Areas of Ontario. The Agricultural Adaptation Council is delivering the Program on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

1.   Purpose of the Program

The purpose of the Program is to provide grants for Newly Licensed Veterinarians who practice on Food Animals in Underserviced Areas of Ontario. The $5 million Program will run for nine years, from 2023-24 to 2031-32, and provide eligible veterinarians with up to $50,000 in grant Payments, paid over a five-year period in accordance with the Payment schedule outlined at Section 5. These Payments are meant to incentivize veterinarians to provide service to Food Animal producers in areas of Ontario with recognized veterinary access issues.

2.   Who Can Apply

2.1           Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to participate in the Program, an Applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Be and remain a veterinarian licensed to practice veterinary medicine in Ontario;
  • Be Newly Licensed to practice in Ontario, within five (5) years from the date of application to the Program;
  • Be self-employed or work as an associate/staff veterinarian in a veterinary Clinic;
  • Work in a full-time capacity at a Food Animal or mixed animal practice that services Food Animals;
  • Work or provide service to Food Animals in an Underserviced Area in Ontario;
  • Provide in-person service, regular on-farm service and/or emergency on-farm service to an Underserviced Area or an Additional Underserviced Area;
  • Submit a completed Application Form to the AAC in accordance with Section 3 of these Guidelines;
  • Provide the AAC with:
    • Attestation as to the type and location of the practice and located in an Additional Underserviced Area, how the location is servicing underserviced clients in specific species;
    • Annual attestation for the duration of the Program as to the type and location of the practice; and,
    • Immediate notice of any change in employment status.
  • Agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the Program; and,
  • Have not lost their eligibility to participate in this Program under Section 6.1 of these Guidelines.

3.   How to Apply

Applicants must apply to the Program and request funding using the Application Form found online at Applicants must ensure that their Application Form is fully completed before submitting it to the AAC. 

Completed Application Forms are received on a continuous basis and are to be submitted to AAC at no later than 11:59PM ET on March 31, 2027 for the 2027/2028 Program Year. Application Forms submitted after this date will not be accepted under the Program.

3.1           How is an Application Assessed

All complete Application Forms will be evaluated according to the eligibility requirements outlined in Section 2.1 and a merit/priority basis outlined in Section 3.2, as long as funds remain available for the Program. Applications will not be considered if they do not meet eligibility criteria or if they are incomplete. Applications will be assigned to an AAC staff member who will follow-up on incomplete Applications and may contact an Applicant to obtain additional information. 

3.2           Merit and Priority Review

Applications from Applicants meeting the following merit and priority will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis, as long as funding remains available:

  • Licensed Veterinarians most Newly Licensed, servicing an Underserviced Area;
  • Licensed Veterinarians most Newly Licensed, servicing an Additional Underserviced Area; and,
  • Licensed Veterinarians relocating to a Clinic in an Underserviced Area.

Applications from Applicants meeting the following merit and priority will be reviewed after January 31, 2024, as long as funding remains available (after March 31, 2024, these Applications will be reviewed after October 31 of each Program Year):

  • Licensed Veterinarians currently servicing an Underserviced Area; and Licensed Veterinarians currently servicing an Additional Underserviced Area.

3.3           How will Applicants be Notified of Funding Decisions 

The Applicant will be notified by email once an Application has been reviewed and a decision has been made. There are two possible outcomes:

  • Application is approved - the Applicant will be contacted by the AAC to inform them of the approval. The Applicant will be required to enter into a funding agreement with the AAC and comply with its terms and conditions for the duration of the project. The Applicant will also receive confirmation of the procedure to receive funding and reporting submission deadlines.
  • Application is declined - the Applicant will be contacted by the AAC and receive a brief explanation for the decision.

3.4           Confirmation of Veterinary Clinic Eligibility

Eligible veterinarian Clinics may complete the Confirmation of Veterinary Clinic Eligibility Form to confirm the eligibility of their Clinic, in advance of the Applicant submitting their application. The confirmation of eligibility of the Clinic does not guarantee an Application will be approved; it confirms the eligibility of the Clinic as outlined in Section 11.1 Definitions. The confirmation of Veterinary Clinic Eligibility Form can be submitted directly to AAC by the veterinarian Clinic. The Clinic should notify the Applicant that they have confirmed their eligibility.

3.5           Confirmation of Applicant Eligibility

Eligible veterinary students may complete the Confirmation of Applicant Eligibility Form to confirm their eligibility as an Applicant, in advance of submitting their Application. The confirmation of eligibility does not guarantee an Application will be approved; it confirms the eligibility of the Applicant based on the parameters below. The Confirmation of Applicant Eligibility Form can be submitted directly to AAC by the prospective Applicant. The Applicant should notify the Clinic that they have confirmed their eligibility.

Eligibility Parameters:

  • Be a current student at a university accredited to teach veterinary medicine;
  • Be in the large animal or mixed animal streams;
  • Be in the final year of study; and,
  • Have a job offer from a Clinic in an Underserviced Area or Additional Underserviced Area.

4.   Program Timelines

  • Program Duration - The Program will begin on October 26, 2023 and end March 31, 2032.
  • Application Intake Open – The Program will begin accepting Application Forms on October 26, 2023 for the 2023/2024 Program Year.
  • Application Intake Close – The Program will stop accepting Application Forms at 11:59PM ET on March 31, 2027 for the 2027/2028 Program Year.

5.   Funding for the Program

A Recipient may be eligible to receive up to a maximum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) under the Program, payable over 5 years.

5.1           Payment Schedule

Payments, totaling up to $50,000, will be made in accordance with the following schedule, as further defined in the funding agreement AAC will enter into with successful Applicants:

  • Year 1 – $5,000 ($2,500 upon approval  and $2,500 after one complete year of Program participation)
  • Year 2 – $7,500 at the end of two years of Program participation
  • Year 3 – $10,000 at the end of three years of Program participation
  • Year 4 – $12,500 at the end of four years of Program participation
  • Year 5 – $15,000 at the end of five years of Program participation

5.2           When is Funding Paid to the Recipient

Funding will be paid annually to the Recipient upon submission of an annual attestation confirming the eligibility requirements have been met for the previous year for the Recipient and the Clinic. Submission deadlines and a template for the annual attestation for the Recipient and the Clinic will be included in the funding agreement.

6.   Operation of the Program

Terms used in these Guidelines are defined below in Section 11.2 Interpretation of Guidelines.

6.1        Loss of Eligibility

6.1.1     Willful Submission of False or Misleading Information

Any Applicant or Recipient that willfully submits false or misleading information under the Program will:

  • Not be eligible to participate in the Program or will have their eligibility to participate in the Program revoked; and
  • Repay any Payments received under the Program.

6.1.2     Negligent Submission of False or Misleading Information

Any Applicant or Recipient that acted in a negligent manner in allowing false or misleading information to be submitted under the Program:

  • Will be deemed by AAC at its sole and absolute discretion to be ineligible to further participate in the Program; and
  • Will be responsible for repaying any Payments received under the Program.

6.1.3     Abusive Toward Individuals Administering Program

An Applicant or Recipient that is abusive toward any individual responsible for administering the Program will receive one written warning regarding their conduct from the Program Director. If the Applicant or Recipient continues with their abusive behaviour, they will be deemed ineligible to further participate in the Program. 

6.1.4     Debt Owing to Ontario

An Applicant or Recipient may be found to be ineligible to participate in the Program or have their eligibility to participate in the Program revoked if they:

Owe a debt to Ontario and do not have a repayment plan with Ontario, including any agents thereof; or
Are not in compliance with any repayment plan with Ontario, including any agents thereof.

6.1.5     Failure to Continue to Meet Eligibility Requirements or Compliance with Requirements of Law

A Recipient may have their eligibility to participate in the Program revoked where they fail to:

  • Continue to meet the eligibility requirements set out under Section 2.1 of these Guidelines while participating in the Program; or
  • Remain in compliance with the following for their business operations while participating in the Program:
    • Veterinarian-related Requirements of Law and be in good standing with the College of Veterinarians of Ontario.
    • Environmental-related Requirements Of Law,
    • Labour-related Requirements Of Law,
    • Tax-related Requirements Of Law, or
    • Material compliance with all other Requirements Of Law.

A finding with respect to the foregoing shall be determined by AAC at its sole and absolute discretion.

6.1.6     Failure to Comply with Certain Additional Terms and Conditions of the Program

A Recipient that fails to comply with the additional terms and conditions set out under Section 7 of these Guidelines may have their eligibility to participate in the Program revoked and may be required to repay any Payments received under the Program.

6.2           Termination of the Program

The Program may terminate at any time without prior notice. Where the Program is terminated, the following will apply:

  • A notice will be placed on the website that hosts these Guidelines setting out the date on which the Program is terminated; and
  • A Recipient that is owed a Payment for the Program Year in which the Program is terminated will be paid unless there is no appropriation for that Payment, in which case no Payment will be made.

7.   Additional Terms And Conditions for the Program

7.1           Provision of Information

An Applicant or Recipient will provide, as the case may be, any information that is requested by AAC as soon as practicable after the request has been made and no later than the date set out in the request.

7.2           Record-Keeping Requirements

A Recipient will keep all financial information related to any Payment for a period of seven (7) years after the Payment was provided to the Recipient.

7.3           Audit

Ontario or AAC, including any of its delegates, may, upon providing at least 24 hours’ notice beforehand, conduct an audit of an Applicant or Recipient in relation to the Program. The Applicant or Recipient will provide reasonable assistance to Ontario, including:

  • Access to any person, place or thing required for auditing purposes as soon as is practicable after the request is made and no later than the date set out in the request;
  • Allowing for the inspection of any records that relate to the Payment;
  • Allowing for the copying of any records that relate to the Payment; and
  • The taking of pictures and other recordings.

7.4           General

  • Applying to the Program does not create a legal, equitable or other right to participate in the Program.
  • Participating in the Program does not create a legal, equitable or other right to receive a Payment under the Program.
  • Any Payments a Recipient may be eligible to receive under this Program may be terminated if the Program is discontinued by Ontario and as a result there are insufficient funds for AAC to make full Payments under this Program. The AAC will determine if there are insufficient funds as well as any rate of proration that is to be made.
  • A Payment shall be treated as income for the purposes of the Income Tax Act (Canada).
  • An Applicant or Recipient will not assign any Payments they may be eligible to receive to another Person.
  • Payments being provided under this Program are for the administration of social or economic programs or the provision of direct or indirect support to members of the public in connection with social or economic policy.
  • The rights and obligations under the Program will be governed by Ontario law and applicable federal laws of Canada.
  • Except as otherwise provided in these Guidelines, Ontario’s courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising under the Program.

8.   Collection, Use And Disclosure Of Personal Information Under The Program

8.1           Collection Of Limited Personal Information

The collection of certain limited Personal Information as defined in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (“FIPPA”) is necessary for the proper administration of the Program and is authorized by the Minster’s Order.  

8.2           Use And Disclosure Of Social Insurance Number (SIN)

A Recipient who is eligible to receive a Payment and is a sole proprietor, partner in a partnership, or a member of an unincorporated entity without a CRA BN, will, as a condition for receiving the Payment, consent to the use and disclosure of  Personal Information collected under the Program for the purposes of enforcing the terms and conditions of the Program. Such purposes to include:

  • Confirming the Recipient paid any applicable taxes on the Payment;
  • Conducting audits; and
  • Collecting any Overpayment or any other debt owing to Ontario arising prior to the Recipient’s participation in the Program.

8.3           Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Certain information provided under the Program may, with the exception of a Recipient’s SIN, be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.  Information may also be disclosed by order of a court or tribunal, pursuant to a legal proceeding or as otherwise authorized or required by law.

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