Ulnooweg Loans

“Ulnooweg Development ”



Maximum Eligible Amount


Fund Type

Ulnooweg has been providing loans and business services to Indigenous entrepreneurs in Atlantic Canada since 1986. With representatives in New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador and Nova Scotia, we offer convenient, personalized service to our clients to help them succeed.

We recognize that Indigenous business owners bring a different set of experiences and skills to business, and that some of those experiences may not be well understood by traditional lending and business service agencies.

Ulnooweg offers a variety of business loans to meet the diverse needs of our clients, with a range of interest rates and repayment periods. You can apply for one or a combination of the following loans, up to a maximum of $250,000.

  • Ulnooweg's primary role is to provide qualified aboriginal entrepreneurs with business loans.
  • Another big role is to help you find other sources of funding through government grants or non-repayable loans.
  • We also provide information on where to find the resources you need to make your business a success.

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