Ujjiqsuqta Community Initiatives


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Government Grant

Fund Type

Call for funding applications for NULC Ujjiqsuqta / Let’s Be Aware campaign 18 July 2022 Public Service Announcement Call for funding applications for NULC Ujjiqsuqta / Let’s Be Aware campaign The Nunavut Liquor and Cannabis Commission (NULC) is now accepting proposals for the new Ujjiqsuqta Community Initiatives program, which includes three funding streams: the Ujjiqsuqta Social Responsibility Initiatives Contribution, the Ujjiqsuqta Safe and Sober Graduation Grant and the Ujjiqsuqta Health and Wellness Support Grant.

Funding will be provided to individuals and organizations promoting the responsible use of liquor and cannabis in Nunavut that meet the requirements of the above streams. Applications should include a short proposal detailing the planned activities, budget, target audience and intended outcomes.

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