Tourism Seasonal Extension Program

“Prince Edward Island”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The new Tourism Seasonal Extension Program is intended to support capital investments to help tourism businesses remain open on a multi-season basis and drive economic activity across Prince Edward Island in historically lower-demand periods.

The program will be administered through a partnership between Tourism PEI and the Community Business Development Corporations (CBDCs), including:

  • CBDC Western PEI
  • CBDC Central PEI
  • CBDC PEI East


The purpose of the program is to provide PEI tourism businesses with a non-repayable financial contribution (grant) toward eligible capital expenses to assist with seasonal extension. The program will be administered through a joint partnership between Tourism PEI and the Community Business Development Corporations(link is external) (CBDCs) including:

  • CBDC Western PEI
  • CBDC Central PEI
  • CBDC PEI East

The total obligation of the Government of Prince Edward Island under the Tourism Seasonal Extension Program will not exceed $1,500,000; at any point, government reserves the right to pro-rate payments should total claims exceed this budget allocation.  

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