Tourism Growth Program
“Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Tourism Growth Program (TGP) aims to help Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, small and medium-sized businesses, and non-profit organizations to develop local tourism products and experiences that position Canada as an all-seasons destination of choice for domestic and international travellers.
The Tourism Growth Program (TGP) aims to help Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities, small and medium-sized businesses, and non-profit organizations to develop local tourism products and experiences that position Canada as an all-seasons destination of choice for domestic and international travellers.
Delivered by Canada’s regional development agencies, the TGP provides $108 million, over 3 years, directly to businesses and organizations to help diversify regional economies by investing in tourism products and experiences that will encourage visitation to and within Canada.
The TGP contributes to the Federal Tourism Growth Strategy, which charts a course for long-term growth, investment and stability in Canada’s tourism industry, from coast-to-coast-to-coast.
$10.6 million for Atlantic Canada’s tourism industry
Tourism drives economic development and diversification for many communities across Atlantic Canada. Through the Tourism Growth Program, ACOA will provide support to help grow and develop the region’s tourism industry.
ACOA will work in collaboration with provincial governments and tourism partners to ensure the program is complementary to other supports for Atlantic Canada’s tourism industry.
Eligible applicants
Eligible applicants include:
- incorporated small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the tourism industry
- Indigenous-owned businesses (including Indigenous sole proprietorships) or Indigenous tourism organizations
- non-profit organizations (NPOs), including tourism associations and organizations, and post-secondary institutions
- governments (municipal/provincial/territorial and related entities)
Eligible activities
Eligible projects should provide added value to existing activities in the tourism industry and focus on business and economic growth. Priority may be given to projects that:
- increase tourism benefits for communities by driving visitation from urban centres to rural areas
- support the Indigenous tourism industry
- support economic, environmental and cultural sustainability
- support active outdoor experiences
- extend the tourism season (projects that promote and/or develop product, services or experiences, with an aim to increase tourism activity outside the traditional high season or to extend their services year-round)
- complement supports provided through provincial/territorial programs
Other activities could be eligible. For further information, please contact us directly.
Financial assistance
For small and medium-sized enterprises
- contributions will normally be repayable
For non-profit organizations
- contributions will normally be non-repayable
Indigenous applicants
Indigenous tourism is vital to the economic development and growth of Canada’s tourism industry and is a priority under the TGP. Through the $108 million TGP, approximately 15% will support Indigenous-led tourism initiatives across Canada. Indigenous applicants are invited to apply through the process below.
How funding works
The TGP supports communities, SMEs and non-profit organizations in developing local tourism projects that will position Canada as a destination of choice for domestic and international travellers.
If you are a tourism business, examples of project activities could include:
- improving/creating innovative tourism offerings or products
- investing in digitization or technology integration to enhance your productivity, sustainability, efficiency and/or competitiveness
- developing and delivering new products, services or experiences to increase tourism activity outside of the traditional high season or to extend services year-round
- enhancing accessibility, creating a welcoming environment for diverse clientele
If you are a non-profit tourism organization, examples of project activities could include:
- developing/implementing sustainable tourism plans in the community you serve based on research and market analysis
- improving local assets, facilities, and/or planning for key active outdoor tourism experiences (for example projects that provide more opportunities for physically active tourism offerings)
- facilitating the growth of off-season tourism (such as promoting tourism products, services and experiences outside of the traditional high season, supporting the expansion of seasonal tourism to year-round services)
- supporting the delivery of festivals and events that attract tourists to a destination
- developing/increasing capacity for tourism businesses to provide inclusive tourism experiences