Tourism Activation Grant
“Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency. Community Business Development Corporation (CBDC)”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Tourism Activation Grant will provide assistance to PEI tourism businesses and will be administered through a joint partnership of Tourism PEI and the Community Business Development Corporations (CBDCs), including:
• CBDC Eastern PEI
• CBDC Central PEI
• CBDC Western PEI
The total obligation of the Government of Prince Edward Island under the Tourism Activation Grant will not exceed one million, five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000).
The Government of Prince Edward Island reserves the right to pro-rate payments at any point during the program period should the total claims from operators exceed one million, five hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000).
The government cannot guarantee funding to all applicants, nor can the government ensure that the total amount requested by the successful applicant will be granted.
The decision to fund all or part of an applicant’s request will depend on its fit with the program intent and eligibility criteria, as well as the overall demand for the program funds.
The purpose of the program is to provide tourism businesses with a non-repayable financial contribution (grant) toward eligible expenses to assist with capital and / or maintenance costs associated with opening for the 2022 Season.
This program is intended to support investments that will help tourism businesses adapt to a new normal and position them to capitalize on future economic recovery.