Theatre Projects
“Ontario. Ontario Arts Council”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The grants fall into five categories: Creation: contribution to the artistic costs of initial exploration and development of a theatrical project or idea, for research, exploration and experimentation; Creation in Residence: contribution to the artistic costs of a residence, with a professional not-for-profit Ontario theatre company, in playwriting or other methods of creation; Development Workshops: contribution to the costs of a workshop or similar development projects; some form of public presentation is necessary; Productions: contribution to the costs of single productions, including shared-production model and Festivals/Theatre Initiatives: contribution to the costs of festivals, or the costs of artists or arts professionals participating in activities and initiatives that significantly benefit the professional theatre community at large and are not related to a single production, including presentations, series, conferences and other public forums, community professional development, administrative collaborations, and other activities with a community impact.
- To support professional theatrical exploration, creation, development, production and presentation, regardless of theatrical tradition, as well as initiatives that benefit the Ontario professional theatre community