The Québec Friend of Seniors (QADA) program
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Québec Friend of Seniors (QADA) program provides financial support for activities and initiatives of a local, regional or national scope carried out by non-profit organizations.
These projects help to adapt living environments to the realities of seniors, in order to allow them to stay at home, in their community, in healthy, safe and welcoming environments.
Calls for projects
The QADA program is aimed at non-profit organizations. They can have access to the following components:
Support for national actions
This component offers financial assistance for experiments, the development of activities or the national deployment of an activity resulting from an experiment or a convincing and conclusive research-action.
Support for local and regional actions
This component financially supports the start-up of new activities, the development of activities as well as the local or regional deployment of activities.
This program also aims to promote the participation of seniors in the social, economic and cultural development of their community. It is based on partnership, consultation and collaboration between community stakeholders to carry out projects that have direct and positive repercussions on seniors.
Several of these projects are carried out on the territory of age- friendly municipalities .