The Master's Foundation
“Master's Foundation”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Private Grant
Fund Type
The Masters Foundation is an interdenominational organization committed to the nation of Ukraine providing aid in various forms to orphans, children and people. This assistance is provided without regard to people's religious beliefs, gender, or ethnic background. In every endeavour Masters seeks to exemplify Christian compassion and benevolence while conforming to the highest standards of integrity. This compassion focuses on the real-life needs of children, men, women—spiritual, physical, economic, and social.
- The Masters Foundation is extensively involved in the procurement and distribution of humanitarian aid, shipping to date over 40,000 cartons (2.4 million pounds) in the form of medicine, vitamins, medical supplies, food products and clothing to Ukraine. These services are supplied in Ukraine to Churches, Seminaries, Hospitals, Hospice Centers, Orphanages, Prisons, humanitarian institutions and educational systems.