The Fonds d'initiatives nordiques
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Eligibility criteria This Section applies to projects that will be carried out north of the 49th parallel, either in Québec's northern territory, or for the benefit of communities or businesses located there. Section B is intended to supplement the financing of projects for which the contributions of the community and other government programs are not sufficient. The applicant must demonstrate that a search for complementary financing has been carried out and that recourse to the Fonds d'initiatives nordiques is necessary for the realization of the project. Eligible clienteles Below are the entities which are eligible for Section B funding: companies legally incorporated in Québec or Canada, with a head office or establishment located north of the 49th parallel for at least one year. An establishment is a fixed place: where the enterprise operates permanently, where operations and management staff have worked regularly for at least one year (excluding worksites), which is clearly identified with its name, which is accessible during normal business hours. joint ventures that have been in existence for less than one year and of which each party must satisfy the preceding criteria concerning establishment for at least one year as of the date of receipt of bids; incorporated non‑profit organizations; cooperatives with activities similar to a non‑profit organization; mutual organizations with activities similar to a non‑profit organization; band councils of Indigenous communities and Indigenous communities; northern village corporations, northern villages or Inuit landholding corporations; municipalities, regional county municipalities and municipal bodies; the Administration Régionale Baie‑James, the Kativik Regional Government, the Cree Nation Government and the James Bay Eeyou Istchee Regional Government. Retail businesses and publicly traded companies are not eligible.
Entrepreneurial initiatives, seeks to support and promote projects that:
- encourage the implementation by stakeholders in the territory of structuring entrepreneurship projects;
- support economic diversification projects;
- enhance business performance;
- foster job creation.
Eligibility criteria
This Section applies to projects that will be carried out north of the 49th parallel, either in Québec's northern territory, or for the benefit of communities or businesses located there.
Section B is intended to supplement the financing of projects for which the contributions of the community and other government programs are not sufficient. The applicant must demonstrate that a search for complementary financing has been carried out and that recourse to the Fonds d'initiatives nordiques is necessary for the realization of the project.
Eligible clienteles
Below are the entities which are eligible for Section B funding:
- companies legally incorporated in Québec or Canada, with a head office or establishment located north of the 49th parallel for at least one year. An establishment is a fixed place:
- where the enterprise operates permanently,
- where operations and management staff have worked regularly for at least one year (excluding worksites),
- which is clearly identified with its name,
- which is accessible during normal business hours.
- joint ventures that have been in existence for less than one year and of which each party must satisfy the preceding criteria concerning establishment for at least one year as of the date of receipt of bids;
- incorporated non‑profit organizations;
- cooperatives with activities similar to a non‑profit organization;
- mutual organizations with activities similar to a non‑profit organization;
- band councils of Indigenous communities and Indigenous communities;
- northern village corporations, northern villages or Inuit landholding corporations;
- municipalities, regional county municipalities and municipal bodies;
- the Administration Régionale Baie‑James, the Kativik Regional Government, the Cree Nation Government and the James Bay Eeyou Istchee Regional Government.
Retail businesses and publicly traded companies are not eligible.
Project categories
To be eligible, the projects must fall into one of the following categories:
Planning approaches or studies
Realization of planning activities or studies to characterize, qualify, or structure an entrepreneurial initiative (market study, pre-feasibility study, feasibility study, investment plan or marketing plan)
Innovation approaches
Development of products, procedures, processes, or innovative methods. The proposed project must fall within the scope of a research and development structuring process approach to validate the concept that will enable the continuation of the project with various partners. The product or process developed by the company may be intended for the company or for sale.
Projects must also:
- reflect the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development;
- support entrepreneurial initiatives that will allow you, from the initial stage, to go from idea to project;
- target the realization of short- or medium‑term entrepreneurial spin‑offs (e.g. business start‑ups, implementation of new businesses or services).
Projets submitted by an incorporated non‑profit organization :
- require the financial involvement of an entity capable of carrying the project forward;
- at least one of the two partners must have an establishment in the territory covered by the Fonds d’initiatives nordiques.
Innovation projects in particular must also:
- involve the development of a new product or process or the significant improvement of an existing product or process;
- demonstrate the required degree of innovation, i.e. the product or process must present a decisive advantage over existing solutions on the market and in the targeted sector of activity, on a national or international scale;
- involve a technological or business risk or uncertainty for the company;
- have required (or will require) research and development efforts;
- demonstrate commercial potential if the product or process is intended for sale.
Projects must not:
- be recurrent;
- have a financing package that already includes a program of the Société du Plan Nord;
- run counter to government policy;
- have already been carried out or launched prior to the submission of the application to the Fonds d’initiatives nordiques;
- be submitted by organizations listed in the Register of enterprises ineligible for public contracts (RENA);
- be an event such as a festival, symposium, convention, conference or networking activity.
Eligible expenses
The following expenditures are eligible:
- operating costs necessary for the completion of the project, such as wages and other remuneration, one-off rent payments, and the acquisition or leasing of material and equipment;
- the cost of producing plans and studies;
- professional fees;
- administrative expenses;
- travel and living expenses.
Ineligible expenses
The following expenditures are not eligible:
- recurrent expenditures;
- representation expenses, donations and sponsorships;
- expenses related to the purchase of any motor vehicle that can be registered;
- expenditures incurred to meet legislative and regulatory requirements;
- expenditures incurred before the project is submitted;
- expenditures eligible for another form of reimbursement (for example, a tax refund);
- expenditures connected with a project that is inconsistent with established government policy or current laws and regulations;
- deficit of an organization or enterprise, or reimbursement of accumulated debt;
- working capital;
- capital expenditures;
- expenditures planned for after March 31, 2024.
Terms and conditions of financial support
If your organization is a public or non-profit entity:
- you or your community must contribute at least 10% of the eligible costs;
- therefore, total government assistance cannot exceed 90% of the eligible costs of the project;
- the results of studies funded at more than 50% by the Fonds d’initiatives nordiques must be shared with other promoters.
If your organization is a private company:
- you or your community must contribute at least 50% of eligible project costs;
- Therefore, total government assistance cannot exceed 50% of the eligible costs of the project.
- The maximum financial assistance for a project is $100,000.
The maximum amount of financial assistance, in the form of a non‑repayable grant, will be determined by taking into account all sources of government assistance provided to the project.
The calculation will also take into account the amount received from government departments and bodies that maintain financial assistance agreements with the Société du Plan Nord. Financial assistance may come from:
- departments and agencies of the Gouvernement du Québec;
- departments and agencies of the Government of Canada;
- partners with intervention funds whose financing is mainly from government sources.
If your project is selected, it will be subject to a financial assistance agreement with the Société du Plan Nord. The agreement will specify the terms of payment and the conditions for granting financial assistance, as well as the terms of accountability.
For each payment, you must submit an activity and utilization report for the grant, in accordance with the deadlines set out in the funding agreement.
This report must include:
- a detailed description of the project and the activities carried out with the grant;
- the cost of the project and of each activity carried out;
- the sources of funding and the amounts obtained from each source;
- the number of jobs created, if applicable;
- an appendix containing supporting documents for eligible expenses and a financial report detailing project expenses.
For certain projects, an audit report of the financial data produced by an accredited external auditor will be required at the time of final submission.
General information
Any questions regarding the Fonds d’initiatives nordiques can be directed to the Société du Plan Nord at the following e‑mail address: