The Canadian Geological Foundation Grants

“Canadian Geological Foundation”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Private Grant

Fund Type

The Canadian Geological Foundation invites all interested parties to submit grant proposals for the next round of grants selection. The Foundation was established in 1968 as a non-profit, charitable organization dedicated to assist in the development of geological sciences in Canada. In principle, grants are made only in support of activities of national interest and broad significance, with emphasis on those of long-term importance. Grants are made only on the basis of written applications giving a summary and detailed budget of the proposed project. The Foundation disburses more than $150,000 annually.

  • To promote public interest in the value of geological sciences to society; to provide training to high school teachers in the field of earth sciences; to further the application of geological sciences to the development of natural resources through national seminars and conferences
  • To provide career education through the preparation of booklets on geological sciences; to support for the publication of special scientific papers involving national cooperation
  • To involve geological societies in co-operative projects of national, long-term significance

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