The Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) | Poultry Biosecurity Preparedness Initiative



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Poultry Biosecurity Preparedness Initiative is a new, cost-share initiative to assist eligible non-supply-managed poultry and waterfowl farmers, meat processors in the sector and other related businesses in taking a variety of actions to increase biosecurity and reduce the risk of disease. Eligible poultry and waterfowl farmers are those non-supply-managed operations with flocks of at least 300 birds.

This program was developed following discussions with poultry farmers and is intended to support farmers in their biosecurity efforts. This initiative builds on other actions the government has taken to support the sector, such as educational webinars for farmers, orders to prohibit co-mingling of poultry and expanding access to farmer mental wellness programs. Applicants can receive up to 70% cost share for eligible expenses (retroactively to April 1, 2022), up to $100,000 per enhanced location, for up to $500,000 per business.

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