Telefilm Canada | (COVID-19) Short-Term Compensation Fund for Canadian Audiovisual Productions (STCF)

“Telefilm ”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

This is a temporary measure whose purpose is to minimize the consequences of the void created by the lack of insurance coverage for interruptions in filming and the abandonment of productions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the sector of audiovisual production.

Through the Fund, Telefilm Canada will indemnify eligible producers for reasonable Canadian production costs directly caused by an interruption of more than one day in filming or the producer's abandonment of the production prior to the end of filming due to: (i) a confirmed diagnosis ( COVID-19) of an Actor or Director declared on the insurance policy covering the project or; (ii) any confirmed outbreak (COVID-19) on set that requires a complete production shutdown in accordance with current standards required by the applicable authorities.

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