Team Grant : Healthy Cities Implementation Science (HCIS) Team Grants
“Canadian Institutes of Health Research”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Healthy Cities Implementation Science (HCIS) Team Grants funding opportunity is offering grants focused on increasing our understanding of how to design, implement and promote the systematic and equitable uptake of evidence-based interventions (ieinterventions that have been piloted or tested in a setting and found to be promising) in multiple urban environments to improve population health and well-being.
The specific objectives of this funding opportunity are to: advance the field of implementation science: understand how to implement evidence-informed interventions in different urban contexts and populations so that they result in positive and equitable health outcomes in real-world settings. This includes understanding how specific interventions can be adapted to different regions, ages, cultures, genders, or conditions, and how the interventions can be scaled given unique social, political, economic, cultural, and geographical contexts; build capacity in implementation science: build capacityamong researchers (including early career researchers) andimplementers. This includes providing opportunity for linkage with other capacity-building efforts of the HCRI (eg the Healthy Cities Research Training Platform and HCRI Fellowships) and by fostering a network of “learning cities” that share and build on each other's experience, support continuous improvement, and identify promising solutions for scalability. Spark interdisciplinary collaborations across sectors and jurisdictions: Build partnerships across sectors and jurisdictions to co-develop and implement projects in order to contribute to a sustained impact beyond the duration of the grant. Identify new solutions: Generate new knowledge on evidence-informed interventions that can be scaled in urban environments to promote health and health equity. Fill the knowledge gap and position Canada as a leader in implementation science: