Tax Holiday for Large Investment Projects

“Québec. Revenu Québec”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Tax Credit

Fund Type

A corporation or partnership that achieves after November 20, 2012, a large investment project in Quebec may, under certain conditions, receive: a tax holiday on income from its eligible activities related to this project; an employer contribution holiday to the Health Services Fund (HSF) in respect of part of the wages paid to its employees due to the time spent by them in these activities.

  • The main parameters of the tax holiday for major investment projects are: the minimum investment is set at $ 100 million or $ 75 million if the investment is made in regions and must be reached no later than the end of the period of 60 months following the date of issue of the original certificate; and the duration of the tax holiday is fifteen years.
  • Large investment projects must be related to one of the eligible sectors of activity, namely: manufacturing, wholesale trade, storage (including value-added distribution centers), and processing and data hosting.
  • The total value of the tax holiday may not exceed 15% of total eligible investment costs determined at the date the tax holiday begins.

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