Sustainable development support program for companies in the mining sector | Stream B: Mining companies
“Quebec. Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources announces the entry into force since 1 st January 2022, the Support Program for Sustainable Development in 2021 mining companies -2024. The purpose of this financial assistance program is to encourage mining exploration companies, their service providers and mining companies to improve their sustainable development practices.
Sustainable development support program for companies in the mining sector
The goal of the Program is to encourage companies in the mining sector to improve their business practices in terms of sustainable development and more specifically to:
- facilitate the obtaining of ECOLOGO® UL sustainable development certification within the mining exploration industry, either for exploration companies and their service providers;
- foster the emergence of leaders in sustainable development practices within the mining sector.
This program replaces the allowance for certification in sustainable development in the mining tax regime, which ended on 1 st January 2022.
The effective date of the Program is the 1 st January 2022. It will end March 31, 2024 or when the allocated budget will be fully engaged.