Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) | Wildlife Damage Compensation

“Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP)”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Wildlife Damage Compensation Program is a Business Risk Management (BRM) program supported through the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. The Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation (SCIC) administers the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program. For 2022-23, SCIC has reassessed and finalized the 2022-23 Wildlife Compensation values for forage products. The updated values includes a freight adjustment payment to compensate producers for the additional cost of transporting feed. The adjustment reflects higher than normal replacement feed costs in specific parts of the province. The top-up is only applicable to Wildlife Damage stacked forage claims registered between September 1, 2022 – March 31, 2023. To be eligible for the adjustment, a producer must have filed a wildlife damage claim after September 1, 2022.

The Freight Adjustment will supplement wildlife damage compensation claims for producers whose stacked forage yard sites are located in the southwest and west central regions of the province. Freight adjustments are determined by location and will be applied only to the tonnes of feed that were lost or damaged by wildlife.

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