Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) | Resilient Agricultural Landscape

“Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP)”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program (RALP) funding is offered on a per-acre payment basis for a term of 3 years. In this way, RALP can better support producers in their ability to implement projects on their land that over time can provide significant benefits for the producer, the public and future generations.

The program will pay a per-acre fee that is calculated to cover most of the applicant’s implementation cost and and may also pay an opportunity cost. Additionally, applications will be evaluated based on project size, carbon sequestration improvement, number of livestock impacted, and water quality and biodiversity enhancement, which may result in an impact adjustment payment (impact adjustment payments will vary based on the minister's discretion).

The program funding maximums are:

  • $150,000 – active primary producers
  • $300,000 – Grazing Reserve Associations/operators of a Community Pasture, or an approved Indigenous applicant

The minimum payment under the program is $2,000.

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