Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) | Emerging Opportunities Program
“Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP)”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Overview The Emerging Opportunities Grant Program supports the Government of Alberta’s strategic objectives related to growth and development of Alberta’s value-added agriculture sector. The program supports projects that focus on innovation and result in significant company growth and sector impact. Projects can include new technologies, best new practises, significant capacity expansions and new builds. Intake Interested applicants can contact the program area directly to discuss if the project meets the objectives of the program. If the project is deemed a fit, the applicant will be invited to submit a letter of request to the program. The program area will prepare recommendations for the Minister based on project alignment with assessment criteria and available funding.
There is limited funding in the program.
Maximum grant funding provided by this program is $1,000,000 per fiscal year, to a project maximum of $2,000,000.
A project will only be considered under one program (processors cannot apply to more than one Alberta Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (Sustainable CAP) program for the same project expenses). Further details will be shared with applicants that are invited to apply for funding.
Costs are shared at 25% for approved capital expenses and 50% for approved non-capital expenses.