Support Program for the Operation of Economic Development Organizations (PAFODE) | Component 2 – Support for the operation of organizations in support of strategic sectors and regional economic development
“Québec. Ministère de l’Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Support Program for the Operation of Economic Development Organizations – Support for the Operation of Organizations in Support of Strategic Sectors and Regional Economic Development (PAFODE, component 2) aims to support the coordination activities of organizations recognized for the implementation of strategic planning for niches and centers of excellence, clusters and industrial sectors as well as innovation centers and zones.
This measure aims to promote:
- the development of niches and centers of excellence, industrial clusters and sectors as well as innovation centers and zones to enable the regions to become leaders in their respective sectors;
- disseminating and transferring strategic knowledge to businesses through the development of alliances and partnerships, as well as networking and linking between businesses, economic development organizations, research centers and educational institutions.
Selection process
Any request for financial assistance submitted by an eligible organization will be analyzed according to the following criteria:
- consistency between the organization's mission, program objectives and government priorities;
- the organization's performance history in achieving set targets;
- the quality of the action plan and the results indicators, ie the consistency between the activities to be carried out, the resources available and the targets to be achieved;
- the organization's ability to successfully fulfill its mandate in terms of financial and human resources;
- the relevance of the organization's contribution to meeting the needs of Quebec industry and its businesses;
- the quality of the documentation provided;
- the adoption and implementation of eco-responsible practices (recycling, sustainable development action plan, etc.).
Aid granted
Financial assistance takes the form of a non-refundable grant.
The maximum rate of assistance is 100% of eligible expenditures for niches and centers of excellence and 80% of eligible expenditures for industrial clusters and innovation centers and zones.
The accumulation of government assistance can reach the following rates:
- Niches and centers of excellence: 100% of eligible expenses;
- Innovation centers and zones: 100% of eligible expenses;
- Industrial clusters: maximum of 80% of eligible expenses.
The maximum amounts of financial assistance are as follows:
- Slots: $100,000 per organization, per year, with the possibility of a bonus of up to $30,000 per organization, per year;
- Centers of excellence, interregional niches, industrial clusters and innovation centres: $360,000 per organization, per year;
- Innovation Zones: $800,000 per organization, per year.