Support Program for the Canadian Francophonie (PAFC)

“Québec. Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Support Program for the Canadian Francophonie (SPFC) is administered by the Secretariat for Canadian Intergovernmental Affairs (SCIA), in collaboration with the Quebec Offices in Canada, and aims to strengthen links between Quebec and the Francophone and Acadian communities from Canada.

  • This is a multi-sectoral call for projects for Component 3 Partnerships of the Support Program for the Canadian Francophonie 2022-2023.
  • The Program is at the heart of the Quebec government system of support for the Canadian Francophonie. Several hundred organizations, both in Quebec and elsewhere in Canada , use it each year to set up concrete initiatives that contribute to making the Francophonie stronger and united.

The Support Program for the Canadian Francophonie funds projects aimed at:

  • support the development of Francophone and Acadian communities in Canada;
  • promote and encourage the use of French in Canada;
  • strengthen ties between Quebecers and Francophones and Francophiles in Canada;
  • strengthen adherence to an inclusive Francophonie across Canada.

Over the years, the support of the Government of Quebec, through its grant programs, has made it possible to meet the concrete needs expressed by the Francophone and Acadian communities of Canada. It accompanies Quebec's policy on the Canadian Francophonie.

The program supports different types of projects, classified into four components:

Exploratory missionTransfer of expertisePartnershipsInitiatives by pan-Canadian organizations
Travel to Quebec or other provinces and territories of Canada.

Participation of French-speaking experts from Quebec in the Canadian Francophonie and vice versa at symposiums, conferences and workshops.

Transfer of expertise type projects must be linked to specific events . Projects that span several weeks or months must be submitted in the partnership section. Partnership projects must be submitted as part of a call for projects .

  • Establishment and strengthening of structures and networks for collaboration and exchange
  • Support for the offer of services in French
  • French training activities
  • Mobility stays between Quebec and the Canadian Francophonie
  • Other collaborations
  • Establishment and strengthening of structures and networks for collaboration and exchange
  • Support for the offer of services in French
  • French training activities
  • Mobility stays between Quebec and the Canadian Francophonie
  • Other collaborations
Deposit at any timeDeposit at any timeCall for projects – Call calendarDeposit at any time
Co-applicant not requiredCo-applicant not requiredMandatory co
-applicant *If the applicant is from Quebec, the co-applicant must be outside Quebec and vice versa
Co-applicant not mandatory (if the applicant organization is pan-Canadian)
Maximum of $7,000 per projectMaximum of $10,000 per projectMaximum of $20,000 per year per project (maximum of $60,000 for a 3-year project)Maximum of $50,000 per year and per project (maximum of $150,000 for a project over 3 years)

+ Intergovernmental cooperation section +

Additional contribution from a government of another province or territory.

Financial assistance can cover up to 80% of eligible expenses for organizations and 50% for businesses. 

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