Support measure for associations covered by the law on the professional status of artists | Mesure de soutien aux associations visées par la loi sur le statut professionnel de l’artiste : component 2: Reception of projects for associations of artists, broadcasters and producers aimed at enriching associative life.

“Québec. Culture et Communications”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Purpose of the program

On June 3, 2022, the National Assembly passed Bill 35, An Act to modernize and harmonize the rules relating to the professional status of artists , tabled by the Minister of Culture and Communications on April 27, 2022 The new law came into force on June 3, 2022 under the title Act respecting the professional status of artists in the visual arts, film, recording, literature, arts and crafts and performing arts (CQLR, chapter S -32.1).

In order to support the associations covered by the previous Act respecting the status of artists in the visual arts, arts and crafts and literature and their contracts with distributors in the implementation of a process of collective negotiation and support all the associations concerned by the new Act to promote the professionalization of the milieu as well as the development of fair practices adapted to today's reality , the Department is proposing a new financial support measure intended for associations of artists, producers or broadcasters covered by this law.

This measure complements the financial assistance programs for national groups of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec and for collective associations and organizations with a collective mandate of the Société de développement des entreprises culturelle.


Section 2: Hosting projects for associations of artists, presenters and producers aimed at enriching community life

Financially support all associations concerned by the new Law and wishing to enrich their associative life by carrying out projects, networking, research, analysis and organizational development in accordance with their mandate of advice, support, representation, defense and promotion of their members.

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