Strong Social Innovation Skills

“City of Toronto. Toronto Atmospheric Fund (TAF)”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

When done right, low-carbon actions can unlock co-benefits, engage diverse communities, and bolster robust knowledge capture and transfer opportunities. That's why in 2018, The Atmospheric Fund (TAF) established a new two-year Social Innovation Skills Fund. It's designed to help TAF grantees and allies access specialized training opportunities that make their climate action programs even more effective. TAF will provide support to organizations to assist their staff and partners strengthen social innovation skills. TAF has allocated $ 45,000 per year to this unique funding opportunity.

  • These funds will provide financial support to TAF grant recipients and / or collaborators who wish to attend training courses, educational conferences or seminars, or to hire coaches to build internal capacity within their organizations. TAF will focus this funding support in the following areas: management of multi-sectoral initiatives (collective impact); partnership brokering; strategic program design; developmental evaluation; inclusive engagement; scaling impact; other training specifically related to improving emissions reduction outcomes in the GTHA.

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