Strategic Development Initiative
“Nova Scotia. Communities, Culture and Heritage”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The initiative encourages "partners-in-heritage" to develop projects that build on a community's assets and strengths. Partners could include archives, community organizations, museums, heritage associations, municipal governments, regional development authorities and not-for-profit groups that are exploring common heritage objectives. Priority is given to projects that focus on increased self-sufficiency in the province's growing heritage sector and those involving multiple partners working for the benefit of Nova Scotian heritage.
- Develop and expand retail operations of existing heritage organizations which encourage the sale of arts and crafts “made in Nova Scotia” and to increase earned income, and develop new revenue sources to increase financial sustainability.
- Improve leadership and programming skills of existing heritage-related boards and workers through training in targeted areas such as: fundraising, tourist market readiness, strategic planning/ developing business plans, program evaluation, interpretation planning, site development and renewal planning and marketing studies.
- Develop new audiences that expand the heritage sector’s service base in targeted areas, such as: development of new exhibits (based on a formal interpretive plan), improved on-line resources, etc.