Sport Support Program | Innovation Initiative

“Canada | Culture, history and sport”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Innovation Initiative is a subcomponent of the Sport Support Program (SSP) which supports the development of Canadian athletes and coaches. The SSP – Innovation Initiative provides funding to eligible organizations for the testing of innovative programming that supports the goals of the Canadian Sport Policy.

  • To test new or adapted quality sport approaches (e.g. new programs, strategies and technologies) that align with one or more of the Canadian Sport Policy goals; evaluate and document successes and failures of the approach; and share results for nationwide use and implementation.
  • The expected result of the SSP – Innovation Initiative is to improve sport participation by piloting new or adapted quality sport approaches that contribute to one or more of the following specific outcomes: increased accessibility to sport programs; increased frequency, rates and retention of participation in sport; reduced or eliminated barriers to participation in sport; increased physical literacy; and the achievement of social goals through the intentional use of sport.

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