Sport Hosting
“Nova Scotia. Communities, Culture and Heritage”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Province of Nova Scotia through the Department of Communities, Culture (CCH) and Heritage acknowledges the benefits of hosting sport events in Nova Scotia include the opportunity to facilitate sport development, increase exposure for sport, and create lasting legacies for sport in Nova Scotia. In addition, Communities, Culture and Heritage recognizes that certain sport events exemplify the department’s mandate and make a significant contribution toward advancing its priorities. Communities, Culture and Heritage, Sport Hosting Program provides grants to organizations hosting International, National, and Inter Provincial/Territorial sport events, as well as, select sport events that advance the vision, mission and priorities of the department and enhance the public profile of the Province.
- To increase the development opportunities for Nova Scotia’s athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers by hosting sport events in Nova Scotia, and to support sport events that make a significant contribution to Health and Wellness’s mandate.
- To raise the profile of amateur sport in Nova Scotia by hosting more sport events in Nova Scotia.
- To strengthen the Nova Scotia sport system through legacies achieved by hosting.