Sponsorship and Community Development Funding
“Affinity Credit Union”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Private Grant
Fund Type
Affinity commits a minimum of 3% of its pre-tax profits to support initiatives and projects in the communities we serve. Community Development Funding is distributed through Affinity's District Council “with funding decisions made by the District Council Delegates. Affinity members elect Delegates from their community to serve on their local District Councils. These Delegates play a powerful role in the governance of the credit union. They are the credit union's connection to the communities and members we serve. District funding aims to contribute to enhanced community sustainability and stronger local economies through supporting initiatives that: promote self-connecting approaches to community economic development and / or poverty reduction. support sustainable environmental practices and / or programs that enhance respect for the physical environment. create opportunities for the disadvantaged to become more fully integrated in the economy.
- Areas of Focus Affinity Credit Union is involved with our local communities and we are committed to supporting the following focus areas: Arts & Culture Initiatives that promote exposure to the arts and cultural diversity. These can include, but are not limited to, theatre, music, visual arts programs and events.
- Community Building Initiatives that work to strengthen communities through local clubs, service organizations, sports teams, and groups who organize projects, educational programs, events, celebrations, activities, and tournaments. Initiatives that contribute to community sustainability, local economic development and/or enhanced economic self-reliance for disadvantaged groups. Examples include projects related to affordable housing, co-operative or social-enterprise development, and employment development for at-risk youth. Environment Initiatives or programs that focus on improving the environment.
- Health and Wellness Initiatives that focus on making an impact on the health of our communities including disease prevention, health programs, research, hospitals, and health regions and wellness initiatives.