SouthGrow Electric Vehicle Charging Program

“Municipal Climate Change Action Centre”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Tax Credit

Fund Type

The SouthGrow Regional Initiative’s Electric Vehicle Charging Program (EVCP) delivered in partnership with the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC) and provides funding to organizations for the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure to support and accelerate the adoption of EVs in Alberta.

The SouthGrow EVCP provides funding support for organizations in Alberta to install EV charging infrastructure that will support and accelerate the adoption of EVs in their communities. Organization can receive rebates for the installation of EV charging stations for use by the public and private vehicle fleets at community gathering places, curbside locations, workplaces, and more. Projects funded through the SouthGrow EVCP must meet the requirements, outlined in the SouthGrow EVCP Guidebook

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