Smart Mining Program

“Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks (CENGN)”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Under Ontario’s Next Generation Network Program (NGNP), CENGN is funding a CENGN Smart Mining Testbed where companies can test their new and innovative IoT-based Smart Mining product solutions that work to make Ontario mines safer and more efficient. 

We have selected Nokia and Northern Light Technologies to provide wireless connectivity within the mine for private cellular LTE and WiFi capabilities for communication and data collection throughout a live working mine at the NORCAT Underground Centre. This CENGN testbed will be accessible to approved project applicants and will allow them to physically install and test their product in a real mine environment, so they can deploy, test and accelerate commercialization of their Smart Mining solutions. Leveraging technologies like Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence for these solutions are the key to revolutionizing the mining industry, which will lead to stimulating job and economic growth, as well as solidifying Ontario’s leadership in Smart Mining.

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