Skills Development Fund: Training Stream

“Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The SDF Training Stream is an Employment Ontario program that initially launched in February 2021 and has focused on post-pandemic economic recovery, including addressing skills and workforce development challenges in the labour market. 

The training stream of the Skills Development Fund has helped the economy recover by using marketdriven solutions to unlock the economic potential of the skilled trades and broader workforce. The program enables project-based solutions that offer partnership-driven approaches to stimulate growth in emerging and growth sectors of Ontario’s economy. 

Program objectives and focus areas remain unchanged from previous funding rounds. The ministry is still interested in a broad range of projects. Proposals should demonstrate how they will support one or more of the following objectives:  

  • Help develop a resilient workforce by supporting access to the labour market, and retention and capacity-building for employers. 
  • Empower workers and job seekers who face higher barriers of entry and enhance pathways into meaningful and gainful employment.   
  • Encourage partnerships across the economy and support new innovative training solutions and improve the capacity of communities to respond to shocks to labour market conditions in in-demand, emerging and essential sectors. 

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