Skills and Partnership Fund – 2022 Call for Proposals

“Employment and Social Development (ESDC)”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

As a complement to the Indigenous Skills and Employment Training program, the Skills and Partnership Fund (SPF) is a project-based fund that supports partnerships between Indigenous organizations and industry employers to provide skills training for Indigenous peoples linked to economic opportunities at the local, regional, and national level. By increasing access to training that is demand-driven, the SPF plays a key role in directly linking training efforts and Indigenous peoples to specific jobs to improve their employment outcomes.

If your organization is interested in receiving funding, you may now apply.

  • You can apply for up to $10 million per year
  • The total request cannot exceed $50 million per project
  • Projects can last up to 60 months, and can not extend past March 31, 2028

Funding will be provided to projects that: 

  • prepare and train Indigenous people for specific jobs that are demand-driven;
  • demonstrate partnerships that will develop training for employment activities aimed at improving employment outcomes of Indigenous people;
  • leverage private sector, not-for-profit and/or public sector funding to maximize SPF investments;
  • include measures to ensure that potential employers provide a respectful and inclusive workplace for Indigenous employees; and
  • consider the future of the project by:
    • outlining a sustainability plan to continue the project after ESDC funding ends; or
    • including a clear plan to end the project.

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