Service Provider Voucher Program
“Alberta. Alberta Innovates”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Fund Type
Vouchers help Alberta's high potential, high growth, technology and knowledge-based small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with technologies in the mid-to-late developmental stages but may include some early developmental stages.
Note: As of April 1, 2022, service providers will no longer be required to sign on investment agreements. Alberta Innovates will fund successful applicants directly. Service providers are still required for this program and must be identified in your application.
- Eligible applicants can apply for funding up to $100,000 to help cover the costs of up to three service providers for the purpose of business and technology development related to the following activities: new product research and development; leading-edge design, engineering and prototype development; advanced product testing and refinement; patent development; advanced market assessments; and/or other technology development activities may be considered on a case by case basis.