Seniors-Friendly (Age-Friendly) Municipality Infrastructure Program (PRIMADA) - Component 1: Support for the implementation of policies and action plans in favor of the elderly

“Québec. Affaires municipales et Habitation”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Since 2009, more than 1,000 municipalities, regional county municipalities (MRCs) and Indigenous communities have benefited from the Senior Friendly Municipality (MADA) support program, reaching 93.5% of the Quebec population. This program aims to adapt the policies, services and structures that affect the built and social environments in order to put in place the conditions that optimize the possibilities of active aging. The program is affiliated with the World Health Organization.

(component 1)

This component of the program supports municipalities and RCMs in the development of their policies and action plans in favor of seniors. He plans :

  • a financial assistance determined by the size of the municipality and conditions announced in the calls for projects.
  • a technical support including the provision of information, help consulting and recommendations on all aspects related to the MADA approach. Topics covered are, among others:
    • the catalytic role of the municipality;
    • determining the needs of seniors including a perspective of intergenerational actions;
    • mechanisms for consultation and participation of seniors;
    • the drafting of a municipal policy on seniors and its action plan;
    • the mechanisms for monitoring and implementing the MADA approach.

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