Search and Rescue New Initiatives Fund

“Public Safety ”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The SAR New Initiatives Fund (SAR NIF), was established by the federal government in 1988, and is managed by the National Search and Rescue Secretariat (NSS), on behalf of the Lead Minister for Search and Rescue in partnership with other federal, provincial and territorial SAR organizations. Potential applicants must contact one of the federal, provincial or territorial SAR partners to initiate interest in the program and develop proposals that address program and partner priorities.

  • SAR NIF provides annual funding for new projects (or initiatives), that will improve the National Search and Rescue Program. SAR NIF projects must address at least one of the National SAR priorities and at least one of their respective goals. Annual priorities are established by the Interdepartmental Committee on Search and Rescue (ICSAR), in consultation with the provincial/territorial Ground Search and Rescue Council of Canada (GSARCC), and with input from the three national SAR volunteer associations, through a National SAR Program Strategic Directions and Annual Priorities planning framework.

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