Rural Transit Solutions Fund - Planning and Design Stream
“Infrastructure Canada”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Planning and Design Projects Planning and design grants support transit planning activities and the development of new solutions that will support activities such as: public engagement, needs assessments, feasibility or viability studies, surveys and assessments of routes or modes of travel. These planning and design projects are important to support communities developing projects that could be considered in future intake processes. In future years, INFC intends to expand its capital projects intake to allow pilot projects to implement new rural transit solutions. Eligible applicants (see eligible applicants below) can seek federal support in the form of a grant, of up to $ 50,000.
The Rural Transit Solutions Fund seeks to help Canadians living in rural and remote areas get around their communities more easily and connect with nearby communities. People living in rural, remote, Northern and Indigenous communities often depend on private vehicles for transportation and more often than not lack access to transit options.
Additionally, people without access to private vehicles or who are unable to drive are left isolated from essential services or are unable to travel with ease among their communities or nearby communities The Rural Transit Solutions Fund also supports reconciliation by improving the safety of Indigenous women, girls and two-spirited individuals who live in rural and remote areas. A minimum of 10% of the total $ 250 million funding envelope for Rural Transit Solutions Fund will be allocated to Indigenous projects being led by and for Indigenous populations and communities.