Resolute Forest Products Corporate Philanthropy

“Resolute Forest Products”


The funder does not disclose this information

Maximum Eligible Amount

Private Grant

Fund Type

Resolute Forest Products strives to be a good corporate citizen that supports the needs and interests of the communities where we operate and beyond. Our community contributions provide financial, human and material support, as well as in-kind staff time donated to non-profit or humanitarian organizations and countless volunteer hours undertaken by our civic-minded employees.

  • We have chosen two pillars of sustainable development as our priority areas for philanthropic contributions: social (community health and education) and environmental (community projects and education).
  • Our support focuses on the needs of the geographic regions where we operate or have other strong relationships: primarily, regional communities in which the company has operations, including paper mills, sawmills and woodlands operations; occasionally, key urban centers where Resolute has a major customer, investor or other relationship

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