Request for Proposals | For Selection of Not-for-Profit (NFP) organization for Food Service Incubator
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
This RFP is an invitation by the City of Toronto (the “City”) to prospective suppliers to submit Bids for Selection of Non-for-Profit (“NFP’) Organization for Food Service Incubator. The purpose is identifying BIPOC and Food Service-led organizations interested in and suitable for operating the Food Learning and Innovation Place (FLIP) Kitchens facility and project
Invitation to submit a Bid, including participation in any pre-qualification, request for information or other similar process or exchange of information prior to the RFP, does not imply that a Supplier is automatically prequalified to meet the requirements of the RFP or that the factors which were examined during such process or exchange may not be re-examined or re-evaluated by the City during the consideration and selection process for this RFP. It will still be necessary for the Supplier to demonstrate its qualifications through the RFP process.