Relief Fund for Regional Initiatives - Regional Initiatives Fund (FAIR)

“Québec. Ministère de l’Économie, de l'Innovation et de l'Énergie”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Relief Fund for Regional Initiatives focuses on economic and tourism development of the Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine region in order to help create jobs and wealth.

  • The objective of the project must be the improvement of competitiveness and increased production of added-value goods.
  • Priority will be given to projects from niches of excellence determined by the area under the ACCORD program. Particular attention will be paid to devitalized communities.
  • This Fund has six components: support for the business environment; support for economic projects; support for professional wages; support measures for wage; support for projects stemming from government intervention strategy in the region of Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine.

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