Regions and Rurality Fund (FRR). Component 4 - Support for vitalization and intermunicipal cooperation

“Québec. Affaires municipales et Habitation”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

This component includes two axes. The first aims to further support territories facing particular challenges of vitalization.  The second axis concerns inter-municipal cooperation. It helps support local municipalities so that they can offer their citizens quality services at a lower cost.

The first axis aims to support territories with lower economic vitality. Thus, RCMs in the fifth quintile (Q5) of the 2016 economic vitality index (EVI) are eligible to obtain financial assistance. All RCMs who are not in the fifth quintile, but who have an IVE less than -5 or who have at least three Q5 locations according to the 2016 IVE, are also eligible for assistance. These MRCs may also include other localities in the territory of application of the sectoral development agreement. The second axis of component 4 concerns intermunicipal cooperation. It aims to encourage local municipalities, particularly the smaller ones or those with a lower EVI, to pool their resources to provide quality services to their citizens, at lower cost.

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