Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIE) in British Columbia
“Pacific Economic Development Canada - PacifiCan”
The funder does not disclose this information
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The regional development agencies (RDAs) are delivering the RIE program across Canada, in their respective regions. Pacific Economic Development Canada (PacifiCan) is delivering RIE in British Columbia. Through RIE, we are making targeted investments in not-for-profit organizations that support businesses in priority sectors to innovate, grow and compete globally. We are also fostering inclusive growth by supporting under-represented groups, mainly women, Indigenous peoples and young entrepreneurs, to more fully participate in the innovation economy. By providing funds to advance the development of regional innovation ecosystems, PacifiCan is delivering on the Budget 2018 commitment to grow the British Columbia economy. This will ensure Canada’s prosperity for decades to come. The RIE program stream builds on the federal government's Innovation and Skills Plan. This plan helps make Canada a world-leading centre for innovation that creates well-paying jobs and grows the middle class.
Objectives of RIE
- support and grow strategic clusters to leverage regional strengths and support businesses commercialize products, technologies and services, and to scale-up
- enhance the development and reach of business accelerators and incubators, and other organizations, which support entrepreneurs, start-ups and companies with high-growth potential
- support projects led by innovation-oriented organizations to increase and promote business productivity and global competiveness, and investment and talent attraction
- enhance the capacity of ecosystems to support underrepresented groups, including women, Indigenous peoples, and young entrepreneurs