Regional Development Program | Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness Stream (AMIC)

“Ontario. Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Repayable Contribution, Government Grant

Fund Type

The Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness (AMIC) Stream will provide financial support to advanced manufacturing companies with a focus on small and medium-sized enterprises across Ontario. It will provide investments in:

  • capital equipment
  • technology adoption
  • skills development

AMIC will support the advanced manufacturing sector in capital-intensive industries such as automotive, aerospace, life sciences, information technology, steel, and chemical by ensuring they have the necessary funds to invest in new technology and innovative equipment.

Types of support available

  • Funding
    • Up to 15% of eligible project costs.
  • Loans
    • Up to 15% of funding to a maximum of $5 million, interest free during the project period (up to four years).
    • If you achieve your investment and job or upskilling targets, up to 30% of the loan (to a maximum of $500,000) may be forgiven.
  • Grants
    • Grants are available only for specific circumstances, up to 15% to a maximum:
      • of $500,000 for small companies located in rural communities
      • $1.5 million for strategic projects that are foreign direct investments or from companies competing against other jurisdictions or companies with significant reshoring projects

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