REGI: Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIE) in the Prairie provinces stream

“Prairies Economic Development Canada (PrairiesCan)”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Repayable Contribution, Voucher, Loan

Fund Type

The Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIE) program creates, grows and nurtures inclusive regional ecosystems that support: 1. what business needs to innovate from start to finish; and 2. an environment where companies can innovate, grow and compete.

RIE advances PrairiesCan’s strategic priorities and is part of the national Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program. Through RIE, we make targeted investments in not-for-profit organizations that support businesses in priority sectors to innovate, grow and compete globally. We also foster inclusive growth by helping under-represented groups more fully participate in the innovation economy. Program objectives consist of the following four ways to help Prairies business scale up, become more productive, compete globally and attract both investment and talent: -leveraging regional ecosystem strengths -helping business accelerators, incubators and similar organizations develop and increase their reach -supporting projects led by innovation-oriented organizations -helping ecosystems to support underrepresented groups, including women, Indigenous peoples and young entrepreneurs

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