Recyc-Québec | Support program for the management of organic materials in the industries, businesses and institutions (ICI) sector
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Reducing the share of organic materials in the residual materials eliminated remains a major challenge in Quebec, particularly for industries, businesses and institutions (ICI). This challenge is greater in remote areas, where ICI often do not have access to organic waste collection or treatment facilities that accept their organic waste. In addition, they face significant transport distances.
Considering the large number of ICIs that need financial support to start the collection of organic materials, RECYC-QUÉBEC wishes to accompany and support the ICIs in order to optimize the management of their organic materials.
The main objective of the program is to recover residual organic materials for reuse and recycling purposes in the industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) sector, by promoting sustainable and structuring projects for the purchase of equipment. recovery, pre-treatment and recycling.
More specifically, the program aims in particular to:
- Recovery of residual organic materials in ICI establishments of all sizes for reuse or recycling
- Recycling of organic matter in situ
- The purchase of equipment necessary for the recovery of residual organic materials (inside and outside the establishment), as well as the purchase of conditioning equipment (pre-treatment)
- The grouping of ICI to optimize the purchase or sharing of equipment necessary for the recovery of residual organic materials or conditioning equipment (pre-treatment)
- The implementation of collection circuits to serve several establishments in the ICI sector, in particular to optimize transportation
- The establishment of collection services in regions with little or no current service
- Optimization of existing recovery services
- Municipal collection of ICI
Consult the normative framework (PDF, 449 KB) to find out all the details of the program.
Financial aid
To be eligible, the financial assistance requested per project must be between $30,000 and $300,000. The assistance granted may not exceed 70% of the total eligible expenses of the project and will take the form of a non-repayable contribution. For details on the terms of financial assistance, see the normative framework (PDF, 449 KB) in section 3.