Recyc-Québec | Call for proposals aimed at combating food waste



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The global bio-food system has significant environmental impacts, including on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, land use and water supplies. However, almost a quarter of GHG emissions from the bio-food system come from lost or wasted food. Prevention strategies such as source reduction and reuse can be used to prevent and mitigate these negative impacts.

This is what we want to encourage with this call for proposals.

The main objective of the call for proposals is to prevent or reduce the waste of food in order to keep this food in the circuits for human consumption. The projects supported must concern materials mainly generated in Quebec and target at least one of the following two approaches to preventing food waste:

  • Reduction at source : Initiatives to reduce the generated quantities of food surpluses, losses or waste of food initially intended for human consumption, at any stage of the biofood system
  • Reuse : Initiatives aimed at ensuring that the surpluses, losses, waste or food residues generated are kept in the circuits for human food directly (e.g. donations) or following a processing step (e.g. dehydration, grinding )

In addition to meeting the main objective, projects must imperatively be able to measure a quantity of food whose wastage has been avoided or a quantity of food which has been made available for human consumption when it would otherwise have been. been misappropriated, defaced, lost or discarded.

Consult the normative framework (PDF, 2.3 MB) for all the details.


Financial aid

The financial assistance requested per project must be between $50,000 and $500,000, cannot exceed 70% of the total eligible expenses of the project and will be in the form of a non-repayable contribution. Thus, at least 30% of the financing of the project must come from the promoter or from donors other than RECYC-QUÉBEC. The financial participation of the applicant, in addition to partners, is encouraged in order to ensure a concrete commitment. The cumulative financial assistance from government sources (federal or provincial) cannot exceed 80%. The maximum amount that will be granted to the same applicant, regardless of the number of independent projects for which he is responsible, is $500,000.

For details on the terms of financial assistance, see the normative framework (PDF, 2.3 MB) in section 3.

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